Home Helpers

ADDRESS : 4685 Lehigh Dr , Walnutport, PA 18088
PHONE NUMBER : (610) 596-7055


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Tuesday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
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Thursday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
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Tips for Keeping Your Cool as a Caregiver

No one has to tell you being a caregiver is stressful. Before you find yourself snapping at your loved one, read these ten tips that can help you keep your cool.

1. Treat it like a job: Senior caregiving is a job, and like any other job, you need some breaks. Adult daycare centers, offer a great option for getting a few hours of total (and guilt-free) freedom during the day.

2. Be honest about depression: Particularly if you're dealing with an unhappy loved one, you may find yourself suffering from depression. Get help when you need it.

3. Accept help: When others offer to help, accept it. Direct your helpers to specific tasks whenever possible.

4. Be informed about your loved one's condition: Education is a powerful tool. Learn all you can about your loved one's condition to help you understand their behavior and respond appropriately.

5. Don't be a martyr: Be open to new technologies, hiring help and taking advantage of new facilities. If you can promote your loved one's independence and take some weight off your shoulders, jump at the chance.

6. Trust yourself: Give your instincts a chance; they're probably leading you in the right direction.

7. Grieve when necessary: You wouldn't be human if you didn't feel sad from time to time. It is difficult to watch a parent's decline and it can be overwhelming to care for them. Give yourself permission to cry and grieve these changes.

8. Stand up for yourself: Don't let yourself be bullied by siblings or others who may criticize your decisions. Stand up for your rights as a caregiver and a family member.

9. Seek support: Talk to other caregivers; talk to family members and friends. Use in-home care to remove some of the burden.

10. Keep yourself healthy: You'll be less likely to lose your temper if you are well-rested and well-fed. Make your self-care a priority.

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