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Breathe! It’s Good Therapy

Oxygen …it's the basis for life. You can survive about 40 days without food, maybe five to seven days without water, but only three minutes without oxygen. Survival is one thing, but thriving is quite another.

Survival means quality of life may not be what you had hoped for, while thriving insinuates vibrancy of life - the ability to feel well and be active. Since it is a well-known fact that oxygen is critical to your survival, what role does it play in thriving?

Let's explore the role of oxygen in your body. Yes, your lungs really need it - but the role of oxygen just begins there. Every single process in your body requires it. The more oxygen, the better the function.

For example, we know that when the brain is starved of oxygen, critical thinking, functions and memories are lost. When the heart is starved for oxygen, heart attacks ensue; and when muscles do not have enough of it, muscle cramping results. Eighty percent of your energy comes from oxygen. In other words, your muscles require oxygen to break down nutrients to be used for fuel. If you don't have enough, you feel fatigued.

Our bodies are two thirds oxygen, and every single cell in your body contains it. All metabolic processes, such as blood circulation, blood pH, assimilation of nutrients, digestion, elimination of toxins and the ability of the body to rebuild itself, are regulated by oxygen. Lack of sufficient oxygen weakens your immune system.

Most of the illnesses and diseases cannot live in an oxygen rich environment. Bacteria, fungi, viruses, cancer, parasites, uric acid causing gout, kidney stones and gall bladder stones, to mention a few, CANNOT exist when your blood has sufficient oxygen. Oxygen is a cleaning agent (Does OxyClean ring any bells?).

Deep breathing techniques have helped many of my clients overcome the severity of their asthma, allergies and migraines. Daily deep breathing is relaxing and only takes 5 minutes. Why don't you try it today!

Deep Breathing Technique:
Sit or lie in a comfortable position.
Focus on your breathing; listen to how you breathe, feel yourself breathe
Slowly start your inhales - draw your breathe in slowly - maybe to the count of 4, and through your nose if possible.
Feel your belly expand.
Hold your breath for one count
Exhale slowly - through the nose, if possible, to the count of 4, forcing all of your air out of your lungs, tightening your belly (like you 're going to cough)
Relax your belly and begin to draw your breath in again.
Repeat 5 times.

It's normal to feel a little dizzy at first - your body is not used to the amount of oxygen you're taking in. But it will get used to it and appreciate it very quickly.

If you take this daily challenge and notice changes in your health or your symptoms, please post on my Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vibrant-Life-Therapies/137884036275898; email me at donna@vibrantlifetherapies.com; or leave a comment on my website, www.vibrantlifetherapies.com.
I'd love to hear your progress and share it so others can be encouraged.

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